DSMC Lung Cancer team holds a weekly meeting with specialists of respiratory system, thoracic surgery, hemato-oncology, radiation oncology, radiology, nuclear medicine, and pathology, in order to provide fast diagnosis and effective treatment for patients suspected to have lung cancer.

The center provides screenings such as simple chest X-ray, CT, and MRI, and bronchoscopy. Also, a part of lung tissue is extracted in order to confirm diagnosis, by using bronchoscopy or percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy. For some patients, mediastinoscopy or thoracoscopy is required.
Recently, DSMC brought in PET-CT to closely observe the lesions and check metastasis to other organs, in order to select the appropriate treatment method according to progression of the disease. Also, the device allows us to rend image based on live cancer cells, which is helpful for determining and following up on treatment results.
Through systematic management after surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, the center provides rapid response to problems and minimizes complications, while ensuring early detection of relapse. Also, the specialized nurses are trained to provide proper pain management, diet, rehabilitation, and infection management as well as consultation for various questions.